Playing August 6 - 12
Hi Patrons of the Midway Drive In Theatre...
Things are progressing at the Midway..presently we're looking rather barren as the Storm Mangled Screen has been demolished and its remnants
removed to make way for a replacement screen.
After investigating a replacement wood constructed tower and the present
NYS Building Code we have decided upon a Steel Structured Screen and been
in contact with Shelby Products of Ohio, builders of the vast majority of
Drive Screen Towers in the USA. The have reserved a spot for us in their
construction Calendar with a pretty firm commitment they can have a Screen
up in September if we can come up with the Funding.
We were insured for the value of a wood tower but vastly under insured for
a replacement Steel Tower. Our insurance Company has been very expediate
and fair with their settlement with us. Our Capital Funds were about
drained last season with the purchase of our new Barco 32B projector.
With the amazing support of the Community through donations and the Girls
from Troop 10101 T-shirt sales, we have reduced the gap between Insurance
recovery and projected costs to a doable figure with the continued help
from the Community.
So many have reached out to us asking -will you rebuild-, -how they can
help-, -where can we get a T-Shirt-, -how do I make a donation-.
We are committed to rebuilding and my Children have assured me the Midway
will live on with its same traditions for many more years..and my Girls
from Troop 10101 as well as the Cubscouts want Movies on the Big Screen
for their Fall Events. We can get this down with continued support from
the Community.
That being said our new order of T-shirts arrives in time for this
weekend, with the following distribution plan.
Following our very successful Harborfest Weekend Fund Raising Event, where
demand for our -I Helped Rebuild the Midway Drive In Theatre- Fundraiser
T-shirts exceeded our Supply, We are pleased to announced a new supply and
several additional -T-Shirt- Fundraiser sites over the next couple of
Saturday August 9th We will have a booth at:
1) -Magic in Minetto- from 11:00AM-3PM
2) the Syracuse Regional Market from 7:00Am-2:00PM
3) and back to the MIDWAY DRIVE IN THEATRE from 4:00 PM to 8:00PM
Sunday August 10th
1) In conjunction with the -60 for 60 Bike Run-, We will have a table at
JP'S Tavern at 109 Syracuse St, Baldwinsville NY from 2PM-7PM
Thursday August 14
At The Oswego Farmers Market 4:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Friday-Saturday-Sunday August 15-16-17
THe Folks at -Buffalo Wild Wings- in Cicero NY (5671 East Circle Drive)
Penn Can Mall Region).. Will be conducting a Fundraiser for us with 20%
of your Food/Bar tab donated to the Midway Rebuilding Fund if you tell
your server you are a supporter of the Midway Drive In ..Hours of
operation 11:00AM - 2:00AM...WE will also be on site selling T-Shirts
Saturday & Sunday August 23 & 24 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Our Girls from the Troop 10101 return from Summer Camps for an afternoon
of Fun at the Midway Drive In conducting a T-Shirt/Bracelet sale.
We are working on an afternoon -Cruise In Event- with DJ's and the
Concession Open. If you have friends with cars that they like to show
please help pass the word, admission will be by Donation and the
Concession will be open.
( This event is still in the planning..times and dates may change)
For you out of towners, our webmaster is putting the final touches on an
-online store- which will launched soon as a part of our webpage.
Donations appreciated and may be made via USPO
please place -donation- on the memo line, if sending a check
Midway Drive In Theatre
PO Box 22
Minetto, NY 13115
or via Pay Pal
thank you reading and your help in rebuilding the Midway
John Nagelschmidt (Owner)
Several New Fund Raiser Events
All donations welcomed
Rated G for nothing objectionable
Length: 6 minutes
Genre: Family
Starring The Midway Drive In Community
More info in the Internet Movie Database
Starting Times |
Wednesday |
8:00 pm |
Thursday |
8:00 pm |
Friday |
8:00 pm |
Saturday |
8:00 pm |
Sunday |
8:00 pm |
Monday |
8:00 pm |
Tuesday |
8:00 pm |
Saturday T-Shirt Sale at the Midway
This event will run from 1PM til 4 PM No Admission Charge Concession Open Oldies Music on PA
Rated G
Length: 4 minutes
Starring Small scale..Oprotuinty for Social Interaction amoungst Car Owners
More info in the Internet Movie Database
Starting Times |
Wednesday |
8:05 pm |
Thursday |
8:05 pm |
Friday |
8:05 pm |
Saturday |
8:05 pm |
Sunday |
8:05 pm |
Monday |
8:05 pm |
Tuesday |
8:05 pm |
see fund raiser page for list of upcoming sites for T-Shirt Sales
Rated G for nothing objectionable
Length: 60 minutes
Genre: Family
Starring Donation welcome
More info in the Internet Movie Database
Starting Times |
Wednesday |
8:10 pm |
Thursday |
8:10 pm |
Friday |
8:10 pm |
Saturday |
8:10 pm |
Sunday |
8:10 pm |
Monday |
8:10 pm |
Tuesday |
8:10 pm |